Check certificate expiration for domains

I manage a handful of websites (around 60), and to automate my job I wrote a script to check for the expiration of SSL certificates.

Most of the sites I manage use LetsEncrypt and are self-hosted by me on Linode, but sometimes (never?) the certbot renew doesn’t work or some external hosting company decides to renew the certificate 2 days before the expiration. Why? I don’t know.

LetsEncrypt will automatically renew the certificate if less than 30 days are remaining, so this script will rarely report a problem.

So this script runs daily and warns me if some host certificate will expire soon, so I can manually check.

This script used Net::SSL::ExpireDate to check for expiration date, but it seems it doesn’t like Cloudflare certificates, so I added another function to get the certificate expiration date using openssl.

This script is available via github:

Usage: enter the list of sites by modifying the line:

my @sites = qw/;

and run (via crontab, after your certbot renew cron)

Helpful links:

# vi:set ts=4 nu: 

use strict;

use POSIX 'strftime';
use Net::SSL::ExpireDate;
use Date::Parse;
use Data::Dumper;
use MIME::Lite;

my $status = "";

my @sites = qw/;

my $error_sites = "";

my %expiration_sites;

sub check_site_with_openssl($) {
    my $site = shift @_;

    my $expire_date = `echo | openssl s_client -servername $site -connect $site:443 2>&1 | openssl x509 -noout -enddate 2>&1`;
    if ($expire_date !~ /notAfter/) {
        print "Error while getting info for certificate: $site\n";
        $error_sites .= "$site has no expiration date\n";
    $expire_date =~ s/notAfter=//g;
    my $time = str2time($expire_date);
    my $now = time;
    my $days = int(($time-$now)/86400);
    $expiration_sites{$site} = $days;
    $status .= "$site expires in $days days\n";
    print "$site expires in $days days\n";
    if ($days < 25) {
      $error_sites .= "$site => in $days day" . ($days > 1 ? "s":"") . "\n";

sub check_site($) {

    my $site = shift @_;

    # we have an error for sites served via Cloudflare: record type is SSL3_AL_FATAL
    # Net::SSL doesnt support SSL3??
    my $ed = Net::SSL::ExpireDate->new( https => $site );
    #print Dumper $ed;
    if (defined $ed->expire_date) {
        my $expire_date = $ed->expire_date;         # return DateTime instance
        my $time = str2time($expire_date);
        my $now = time;
        my $days = int(($time-$now)/86400);
        $expiration_sites{$site} = $days;
        print "$site expires in $days days\n";
        if ($days < 25) {
          $error_sites .= "$site => in $days day" . ($days > 1 ? "s":"") . "\n";
    } else {
        $error_sites .= "$site has no expiration date\n"; # or has another error, but I'll check manually.

sub send_email($) {

    my $message = shift @_;

    my $msg = MIME::Lite->new(
        From    => '',
        To      => '',
        Subject => 'SSL Certificates',
        Data    => "One or more certificates should be renewed:\n\n$message\n"

print strftime "%F\n", localtime;
print "="x30 . "\n";

for my $site (sort @sites) {

# sort desc by expiration
foreach my $site (sort { $expiration_sites{$a} <=> $expiration_sites{$b} } keys %expiration_sites) {
    $status .= "$site expires in " . $expiration_sites{$site} . " days\n" ;

print "="x30 . "\n";

if ($error_sites ne "") {

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